It allows admin to add multiple gallery images for each variation and when visitor selects the variation those gallery images will be shown as gallery images instead of main product gallery images, can add color and image swatches, also can allow buyers to change the selected variation on cart page,Variation Master is very easy to use admin can simply Export/Import the variation gallery images and color or image swatches for all variations, along with the easy global setting features admin has full control to modify the setting for each variation, admin can disable the color and image swatches for particular variation, can hide/show the attribute name, can change the color/swatch images for particular variable product.
1. Admin can add multiple gallery images for each variation.
2. Admin can add color and image swatches for attributes.
3. Admin can add color and image swatches for each variation custom attributes.
4. Admin can use both select and color and image swatch combination.
5. Easy export/import for variation gallery images.
6. Easy export/import for attributes color and image swatches.
7. Variation wise color and image swatches customization.
8. Allow buyers to change selected variation on cart page.
9. Module wise control of each feature from single page.
1) Yes, our plugin converts the default variations of colors or sizes drop-down to image/color/Text swatches in a circle,rectangular or square shape. 2)...
Fri, 12 Apr, 2019 at 12:04 PM
Yes, Color or Image swatches will show on shop and category pages.
Fri, 12 Apr, 2019 at 12:07 PM
Variation can be made according to the requirements.
Mon, 18 Sep, 2017 at 5:59 PM
Yes, It would work without any issue in the latest version.
Mon, 18 Sep, 2017 at 5:59 PM
Yes, you can. It's working perfectly fine with AVADA.
Mon, 18 Sep, 2017 at 6:00 PM
Ans :- 1) Yes, our plugin converts the default variations of colors or sizes drop-down to image/color swatches in a circle or square shape. 2)Yes, swatches...
Sat, 13 Apr, 2019 at 12:34 PM
Yes, it is possible. You just have to set one particular variation as default and assign gallery images to that variation. Then gallery section will automat...
Fri, 12 Apr, 2019 at 12:09 PM
Ans :- 1. Go to variable product edit page. 2. Go to variations and click on any variation. 3: There is a setting “Add variation galley images” from he...
Sat, 13 Apr, 2019 at 12:35 PM
Yes, To unable that feature you first need to go :- Variation Masters -> then unable the “Display Show Variation Button and hide Swatches in Shop/Arc...
Thu, 16 Aug, 2018 at 11:13 AM
Ans :- Yes, it is possible. You just have to set one particular variation as default and assign gallery images to that variation. Then gallery section will ...
Sat, 13 Apr, 2019 at 12:49 PM