Using our plugin you can get the discount coupon codes. Now you can easily apply these coupon codes in your subscription orders.
You just have to visit the My Account > Subscription tab. Here you will see the "Apply Coupon" button.
Whenever you will click on this button a pop-up will get appear. In that pop-up, your all coupon code will be listed.
From here you can apply the coupon codes on the subscription order.
Whenever the next subscription will be scheduled then the discount will get apply in that subscription order.
Also, make sure you have enabled the settings from the backend under WooCommerce > Settings > Referral > Subscription tab.
Here you have to enable "Coupon for subscription on their next recurring payment"
Also, Apply coupons = "Allow Customer to choose"
Only then our plugin compatibility feature will get the display in the front-end.
If you select Apply coupons = "All Coupons", then all earned coupons by the customer will automatically get applied on the subscription order